Flame Arresters
Flame arresters prevent the passage of flames in a flammable mixture by acting as a fire barrier. As the flame enters the flamearrester element its temperature is progressively reduced below the auto-ignition temperature of the combustible vapours emitted by the flammable liquid, which are leaving the arrester.
The processes involving storage vessels and associated pipework systems for transportation of explosive gases or vapours need protection from the hazards of ignition due to various sources & further prevention of the spread of the flame to the protected equipment.
The flame arresters are installed at proper locations along the pipelines to prevent the onward passage of the flame & at the vent points of the storage vessels.
The flame arresters are of 2 types:
The flame arrester consists of:
i) Body which houses the flame arresting element is made of cast material (Cast Steel, Cast Iron, Aluminum, Stainless Steel), is provided with flanges or with threaded ends. Stud bolts & proper gasket material is provided as per the application demands.
ii) Flame arresting element is made out of stainless steel. The suitable face area provided to present minimum pressure drop for the normal line flow & quick heat dissipation.
Sizing and selection:
Every proposed arrester application demands careful assessment of the suitability of a particular size and type. The following information should be returned to us :
1. Analysis of fluids, gas &vapours - % by volume, vapour density (kg/m3)
2. Tank contents
3. Chemical formulae
4. Flash points of the products
5. Max rate of flow by volume
6. Max static pressure at the arrester
7. Max temperature at the arrester
8. Min temperature at the arrester
9. Acceptable pressure drop
10. Inline or End-of-line: For inline distance of the arrester from potential source of ignition with pipework layout drawings
11. Type & size of end connection - flange or threads
12. Body material
13. Storage tank capacity
14. Max fill & empty rates for storage tanks
15. Endurance burning type
16. Special requirements
Flame arresters of following sizes are available: